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Mission Statement: Testing


At 12 oz. Studios, our mission is to bring the best in tattoos, body piercing, and original artwork to the South Jersey area. Our shop and all of our employees are registered with the Camden County Board of Health and we uphold the highest standards of sterilization along with tattoo and piercing techniques. We will continue to grow as individuals and as a shop and will do all that we can to educate our customers and all others willing to learn about our industry and how serious we are about bringing the best to our profession.


We are first and foremost ARTISTS.  We have chosen to showcase our artwork not just through drawings, paintings, and sculptures, but also on the human body.  We are a custom shop and a very creative and diverse group of individual artists that want to give something unique to each of our customers. When you walk into 12 oz. Studios the first thing you may notice is all the artwork on the walls.  We are not a flash shop but we do have a small display of flash to be used for inspiration, and most of the flash in the rack is our own artwork.

Alliance of Professional Tattooists

You can get a better understanding of our shop and our employees by reading the individual bios.

As a shop, we uphold the highest standard of sterilization and tattoo and body piercing techniques and procedures. Our shop and all of our employees are registered with the Camden County Board of Health. We use individual, disposable, single-use needles for each and every procedure. If you have any questions at all about our sterilization techniques, feel free to ask, we will be more than happy to answer them!

We currently have 4 individual tattoo rooms and one body piercing room. Each room is completely private for your comfort and for health reasons. We have both males and females on our team, so you can feel comfortable with us. You are allowed to bring a friend or parent for moral support during your procedure, and let us know if we can help you in any way.